Levi is now the proud owner of a TVS Apache 160cc.

It was a long discussed purchase, but eventually we decided it would be best so we have an easy way to get to school early and home from our late meetings. I usually go with him about half the time. I don't know quite how I feel about the feeling of seat-belt free riding and missing four metal walls around me - not the best feeling in the world and not the worst. I really appreciate how helpful it is for us to get around. You see, there are not any street names and our home is down a big hill on a very bumpy road - not a majorly unique description. It made me fairly uncomfortable attempting to 1) take a moto 2) at night 3) separated from Levi 4) without speaking Kinyarwandan. But the white sedans used as taxis were very expensive and not really capable of the fourwheel driving required to the house. It is a serious incline with massive ruts in the mud. It is as steep (or more) as my parents driveway and not as nicely paved.
Anyway, I'm trying to nickname the bike Sam because I don't like calling it a "moto" or "motorbike" or "motorcycle" - too much of a mouthful and "motos" are the guys in the bright vests who don't speak English. There's a valid reason for calling it Sam -

Anyway, it's been great fun for Levi and one of the other teachers just bought one last week too. They are just following after our fearless headmaster (Trevor Maxwell) who also is a proud and happy bike owner (his is actually a dirt bike). Levi is a very good driver and always speaks English well. I'm not such a good passenger because I don't anticipate the surges in the clutch and end up knocking my helmet with Levi's at least once a ride.
Speaking of my helmet...

I'm very happy there was an alternative to the bright pink one a friend got.

my reflection in the top photo is the most you'll see of me in the helmet. I about die of embarrassment when we have to take off in front of a gathering of the high schoolers.
I'm trying to convince the kids to use Levi's helmet as a R2D2 costume for Halloween.

She said she would rather be a bunny.